Thursday, September 17, 2009

I always feel like somebody's watching me.....

Who's looking at you?

Can you even imagine how large this universe is? If ever star has a solar system, and our star (the Sun) isn't even a large star, how AWESOME is the God that made them all? Think about that! And when you figure that us and all of our issues big and small still matter to the very God that put this universe together, what a GREAT God!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Sites from Taiwan, sorry about the delay.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Praise The Lord!

Thank you for all your prayers I've never been so excited have water! Yeah Jesus!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Video Update Continued

Any questions about these locations please ask, I rather tell you what you want to know then overload you with info, you've meet me before (maybe). Enjoy.

Major Irritation!

I'm in Taiwan in the south in a place called Tainan which is an average sized multi-university town. One of the oldest cities in Taiwan and a former capital, it's fun to explore and relatively inexpensive. That phenomenon that was hurricane Murakot was the equivalent of Katrina in effect, the biggest Typhoon as they call it on this side of the globe in over 30 years. They've turned off the water in the city, the entire city. So bottled water for everyone, for everything....until. Please pray for this island!!!! Please!

Since the last time i've shared

Sorry that it the quality is awful, but I had to make it small so that I could put it online.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Back up while in Taiwan!

Oh how I've missed you! Since this last time we talked I've been to many places in China and currently I'm in Taiwan. I'm quickly putting together some photos for you so that you can see what I see. I'm doing fine and I pray you all are too! Email me! I Love you! God bless.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Handy "Not So" Little Chart




You say: 'It's impossible'

God says: All things are possible

(Luke 18:27)

You say: 'I'm too tired'

God says: I will give you rest

(Matthew 11:28-30)

You say: 'Nobody really loves me'

God says: I love you

(John 3:1 6 & John 3:34 )

You say: 'I can't go on'

God says: My grace is sufficient

(II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)

You say: 'I can't figure things out'

God says: I will direct your steps

(Proverbs 3:5- 6)

You say: 'I can't do it'

God says: You can do all things

(Philippians 4:13)

You say: 'I'm not able'

God says: I am able

(II Corinthians 9:8)

You say: 'It's not worth it'

God says: It will be worth it

(Roman 8:28 )

You say: 'I can't forgive myself'

God says: I Forgive you

(I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)

You say: 'I can't manage'

God says: I will supply all your needs

(Philippians 4:19)

You say: 'I'm afraid'

God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear

(II Timothy 1:7)

You say: 'I'm always worried and frustrated'

God says: Cast all your cares on ME

(I Peter 5:7)

You say: 'I'm not smart enough'

God says: I give you wisdom

(I Corinthians 1:30)

You say: 'I feel all alone'

God says: I will never leave you or forsake you

(Hebrews 13:5)


Saturday, May 2, 2009

No Worries!

I bought this on Saturday for the pollen and dust, and then on Monday I heard about the flu. Now that it's here in China, don't freak out! I'm taking the necessary precautions to be health here in "This China".

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Today I Noticed Something!- Random Thought

Something I've recently notice is that the division of the student dormitories. There are major groups that study at this school, not including the other students at the new campus. In my building the one floor is mostly Indonesian students, another mostly Laotian, and Afghan, with the exception of single occupant rooms. Still another floor where is mostly Africans, and Indians (not Native Americans), with the exception of people moved from the other building and myself. Now I don't know the floor dynamics of the other building but with the exception of the late comers from Mauritius it's mostly 韩国 students and 欧洲人. My question is, is this for any particular reason?

I'm not complaining I'm just making an observation based on a major daily event, lunch. Lunch is an important part of many cultures, and Chinese is no exception. For those of us who attend classes from 8-11:50 lunch in directly after. Lunch groups are pretty predictable, like looking at a high school cafeteria. 亚洲人跟亚洲人,非洲人跟非洲人,欧洲人跟欧洲人 and I bounce between 非洲人 and 亚洲人 while my fellow American is pretty consistent about eating with the same 欧洲朋友们. I just thought it was interesting, watching the daily activities people positioned differently will travel awkward distances to be where they feel most comfortable. Interesting how no matter what country we're in or from food is a unifying factor. Just food for thought:)

韩国- Korea(n)

亚洲人- People from Asia

非洲人- People from Africa

欧洲人- People from Europe

跟- with

朋友们- friends

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Mark 10:17-31, John 15:18-27, Luke 13:1-5, Mark 16:15

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Share This!

Lifehouse - Everything (drama)

So there have been technical difficulty with the video so take the link and copy and paste it into your address bar:

Monday, April 20, 2009

安徽大学运动会 Anhui University's Sports Meeting (Field Day)

Last week my school had there "Sports Meeting" which in addition to my almost dying six times a day, almost killed me. (but not really, don't worry, i'll explain!)

Here in "This China" which is what most Chinese people refer to it (along with "our China") one must be extra attentive when it comes to basic things like crossing the street or walking on the sidewalk, taking buses, etc. I say that I almost die at minimum six times a day, but that only includes days I venture farther than the school complex, usually. Scooters on the streets and on the sidewalks, it's usually just as safe if not safer to walk on the side of the street as oppose to the actual sidewalk. But another day for that. Back to the sports meeting.

This is a big deal to the students not only does it mean that they get to compete and have fun with there classmates, it also provides three days free of class. While the Chinese students surely don't regard this as highly as the foreign students, it's pretty awesome. They first day of the the meeting there was a parade that each department participated in. We got these "awesome" sweats to wear and flags from different countries.

*Just an aside, they didn't have and American flag, so I wore my Obama Shirt!

This had to be one of the most honest reactions of how we really felt, being the focal point and photo attraction for many of the Chinese people standing outside of the stadium while we were waiting to march in.

So I ran the 100 meter on the first day of the competition. I Finished in front one two people so I thank God that I didn't lose. I know it was God because in the four days we had to practice for these events, I was timed between 19-21 seconds, which is super slow. But the day of the event I ran it in 16 flat. There is no way you could convince me that wasn't a miracle.

So the Chinese student have been preparing for this event for who knows how long, but our teachers only told us about it five days in advance. We are under the impression that they did this so that there would actually be people to represent the department because what usually happens on days off is that people disappear. So by the second day of the sports meeting about a quarter of the students where in Nanjing, which is about a hour or two closer than Shanghai.

I was here in Hefei nursing my feet, but I did manage to get a Chinese Cell phone! It matches Brents Car! Really it's silver with a touch screen, the brand is Fashion, a Chinese brand. There logo is the Audi logo. ( Sorry Dad! If I could have found one with a Ford Logo I would have gotten it :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Exodus 12:5-13 The Passover
Deliverance from Egypt~ Deliverance from Sin

From Exodus to Acts China heard the Gospel!

Gospel Gangstas!

Acts 4:12

How energeticly are you reaching for the Kingdom?

Dan sent this picture to me from a science article, because she knows I enjoy looking up:)

This is what the caption said:
Red represents low-energy X-rays, the medium range is green, and the most energetic ones are colored blue. The blue hand-like structure was created by energy emanating from the nebula around they dying star PSR B1509-58. The red areas are from a neighboring gas cloud called RCW 89. Credit: NASA/CXC/SAO/P.Slane, et al.

If you would focus on the part that I highlighted. Any thoughts?

Monday, March 30, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

Nothing like a zoo in China

I'm sorry it (the song) is still making me laugh. I'm not really sure how I feel about this zoo yet, because I haven't visited any others in China. I do think that it was a nice place to walk, even in the rain it was very interesting. My classmates found it quite different from zoo's in there countries. All an all it was fun, but the song helps make it that much more interesting even though it's completely unrelated.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Great and Marvelous!

Last Sunday we went to church in Chinese.

Today we had Church in English!

Yeah! Jesus!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I am so mad at myself but i can't stop laughing!

对不起-This video has been pulled by you tube, Sorry! The Chinese remix is featured in the birthday video.

Ok I let my Indonesian friend listen to this remix, and then we let our Russian friend listen to it. Now we've go a Chinese version and they can't stop singing it.
zhe shi wo yeye.

Translates directly, THIS IS YOUR GRANDDADDY!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Thought you would see the humor too!

How come after threatening to snow all last week, and not raining all weekend, it final snows this afternoon when I actually go outside on purpose! How funny is God, someone tell me He's not laughing cause I am.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

VIP at the Bank

Being from almost anywhere else but China makes you VIP in most places. Which is kind cool. Today we went to my roommates bank for dinner, we made DUMPLINGS! They were the best i've had ever in China, no lie.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

New friends

Shopping for things in the imported food section, because we are having spaghetti.
My fellow American, South Carolina in the House.

The two people helping me the most, my roommate and her boyfriend. They are from Gabon, and thier Chinese is very very good!
This is a picture after 6 hours of braiding hair. An we're still smiling!

Interesting things to know about China

This is the land of counterfeit, need I say more?

Think about this one okay. Here in China it's winter time, not like San Diego winter, but like Northern California, Washington State winter. Now this is only one of many, many, many baby butts throughout the region. But I can't even imagine walking around with by butt out in 35 degree weather.
There is a history behind the baby butt epidemic which has a lot to do with the Asian toilet, which I will cover at a later date.

Just because we know and love Dan!

My new look for school

I'm really here!


Don't get me wrong Xi'an is a nice enough place, the Terracotta Warriors are a must see, but we were just not feeling it for this time of year. It was just a little too, too, something that we couldn't quite label. Later for Xi'an.

Random Beijing

Day two in Beijing was a lot slow than day one, mainly because we were too tired to do anything major like the Great Wall 6 hour trek. So we got shots of other things and explored.

Seahorse, Scorpin, Starfish and Squid....yummmy!

北京 Here it is finally!

This was shot on our first day in China. We started our day about 6:30am CST by 4:00 pm we were way past tired. At least there was sunshine, we wouldn't understand how much we should have appreciated it until a couple day's later in Xi'an.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

Today's the day

The time has come for me to go where God leads me. Separating myself from what is comfortable and familiar. Please keep us in your prayers.  As we willingly take on new challenges.